Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Categories for Program Planning along Connectivist Lines

Key Principles
- Build relationships between people, and between people and content
- Help people discover relationships between different contents
- Avoid calcification and allow for change, shifts, chaos, creativity, innovation, unpredictability
- Allow for "rapture" by managing chaos to some degree
- The smallest unit matters, because it is the seed for inquiry
- Chaos, self-organization, emergence, challenge/disruption, change, renewed chaos is the path of learning
- The medium IS the message ... plant the initial seeds for content and process carefully
- Reflective practice and metacognition are critical

- Instructor-suggested
- Learner-defined
- Mutable and transformative

Approach to Learning
- inquiry-based learning
- project-based learning
- problem-based learning
- critical reading
- open learning
- action learning; discovery learning
- experiential learning
- emergent curriculum
- the classroom (virtual or otherwise) is a learning community, a community of practice

Role of the Teacher
- animateur
- provocateur (Siemens)
- curator (Siemens)
- responsible catalyst
- connector
- audience

- autonomous but connected
- engaged
- thinking
- re-assembling
- connection-seeking
- meaning-making

- Cognitive and affective, but hard to measure
- Knowledge production
- Connection creation

Oh Yeah, and Content
- Initially, loosely focused
- Initially, somewhat filtered
- Fluid, but not vaporous
- Coherent even in moments of dissonance

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